Sunday, February 17, 2008

New Oil Painting

Ok so I think I’m going to put the clown painting away for now, I’ll come back to it in a few days with a fresh set of eyes. Hopefully whatever corrections that are needed will stick out like a sore thumb by then. In the meantime I’ve started a new painting. This one is of a parakeet. The idea came from a conversation I had with my mom last week. We were reminiscing about the good old days when she asked me if I remembered the parakeet I had when I was seven years old. I said of course I remember Dixon. Although I never understood why after about a year and for no apparent reason, she just gave it away to my great grandmother. She finely confessed and told me that rasing three boys was enough and that the bird was driving her crazy. I guess I can forgive her for that one, but when the thing died she told me it flew out the window while my great grandmother was cleaning the cage!!! Anyway.....this painting is for you mom!

1 comment:

Jean Victory said...

Thanks for the comment that you left on my blog, it's greatly appreciated. After working with pastels for five years, I wanted a new challenge so I started working with oils back in July. It's been really frustrating at times but I feel like I've made progress. I've viewed your work and think you have so much potential, you have some nice paintings. I research other artists blogs all of the time because somehow it inspires me to work harder. You might want to check out some of the artists blogs I have listed on my blog, they're all so talented. Take care and I hope you check back soon.