Sunday, February 24, 2008

Island Heights Oil Painting

So I decided to let the blue house oil painting dry for a few days. I feel like I’m on a roll now, so I’m going to keep on painting till the gas runs out.
I’m going to try another house painting, this one is a big beautiful old house on a very steep hill over looking the bay in Island Heights New Jersey. My grandfather and uncle use to take us crabbing there when we were kids and I always remember looking up at this big old house thinking it was so cool. I went back to our old crabbing spot one day and took a picture of the house. I tried painting it in water colors a few years ago and it came out horrible......So I’m going to give it another shot in oils.
I’m painting this on an 18" x 24' canvas of an old self portrait that did not go so well. If I don’t like how the house comes out I guess I’ll just paint right over that too. I wonder how many times you can keep doing this?

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