Saturday, March 1, 2008

Reviewing Progress

There are times during the painting process where I find it useful to hang an unfinished piece on the wall and just observe it for a few days. I take a lot of mental notes and review the painting while walking in and out of the house. I’ll ask myself things like, does the composition look right, is it balanced well, is the lighting right, is the drawing correct , will it capture the viewers attention, will diagonal lines draw the viewer to a focal point, what is the focal point, should I change it etc, etc, etc . Basically what it comes down to is when I come home from a long day of work and look at the progress of my painting, am I satisfied with what I’ve accomplished or do I want to rip it off the wall and throw it out the window.
Ok Megan Know I'm only kidding about that !


Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle Mike,

Thank you for painting my picture. Please don't throw me out the window. I can't wait to see it finished.


Michael Anthony Galante said...

Hey Moo Moo,
I was only kidding about throwing your picture out the window....your way to cute!
Love ya
Uncle Mike