Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What inspires a child to oil paint ?

I was wondering just what kind of artwork I was exposed too as a child, that would have inspired my passion for oil painting today. Not an easy question to answer, because I have absolutely no memory of a teacher’s encouragement regarding art at all, and while encouraging in there own way my parents weren’t artsy people. We never went to art galleries or art museums and the artwork in our home over the years was store bought and drab. So not a lot of inspiration there.
Then what was it? What was that inspiring element of my youth that opened up my heart and fires my passion for oil paint today? After some thought the answer became clear. It was Church and Frank Frazetta! I know an unlikely combination, but let me explain. While going to Sunday Mass may have been a chore for me growing up, once at church I can remember being captivated by the dramatic story telling of the frescos. I never herd a word the priest said. I would just stare at the ceiling and walls for an hour. The passion of Christ, his ascension into heaven, angels, sinners and saints it was all amazing.
Well then....now that I think about it, every week my parents took me to the best art gallery in town! Thanks mom and dad! So yes... without a doubt I can say that going to church was the key factor that opened up my heart to the world of art. But what was it that inspired me enough to grab a paint brush and try to paint something.
Well ....we all read comic books growing up, but I could take them or leave them.... for me it was just something to do. My brother on the other hand had an awful lot of comic books. I would say he had thousands of them. But that was his thing not mine. I don’t think I ever read any of his comics and I’m not so sure he would have let me either. But one day I noticed he had some framed Frank Frazetta prints hanging in his room and I don’t think I’ve looked at art the same way since. Vikings in battle with axes in hand riding enormous horses, giant snakes, crazy monsters, beautiful woman with lions and leopards. I had never seen anything like them before, what imagination they were mesmerizing. I would stare at them with the desire to create my own.....I just didn’t know how.
I can remember doing a lot of pencil drawings of snakes, dragons, space ships and monsters what ever was in my head I would try to draw it, but it was difficult with no guidance and it wasn’t long before it became discouraging. Then came high school, girls, beer, cars and it wasn’t long before art went right out the window.
Not learning how to oil paint has always been one of my biggest regrets and for some reason about four years ago I decided to make up for lost time by learning as much as I can about the process. I know I can do this, it does not come easy for me and every painting is a challenge. But my mind is set.
So as I stare at a Frank Frazetta painting on line my heart beats a little faster and the lost child in me says he wants take a another shot at it.

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