Saturday, April 17, 2010

Creative ways to learn how to paint better

I’ve noticed a difference in the way the women in art class address color in there painting compared to my work. They usually jump right into the bright colors and they seem to have an understanding for what colors work well together. My paintings are usually on the dark side and I often struggle somewhat when it comes to picking out the colors, this usually means wasting time and paint from changing color schemes . Looks like the ladies have the edge on color from reading those fashion magazines and shopping for cloths .They know what they like and what works well together.
I’ve been putting in some time lately studying color and I’ve really taken a liking to Golden’s palette. I’ve just ordered large tubes of Quinacridone magenta, Napthol red light, Hansa yellow medium, Phthalo green(blue shade), Phathalo blue (green shade), Yellow ochre, Titanium white and Zinc white. So far I can get all the colors I need without getting overwhelmed from the countless number of paints I’ve been bringing to class. I’ve also subscribed to Vogue magazine and have been taking notes on color and composition in there photography. I’m always looking for creative ways to learn how to paint better and at first thought subscribing to a magazine that I have no intention on reading may sound wasteful...but there’s a wealth of information on combining colors and composition that it would be a mistake not to take advantage of it. Just for kicks I’m gonna try to paint a loose reference of a pick from the magazine and maybe you’ll see what I mean about color and composition. I'll start with a light sketch .

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