Thursday, September 23, 2010

So..... how do people stay motivated to oil paint in the summer ?

That’s the million dollar question. I have a job that keeps me cooped up indoors all day, so when the whistle blows on a beautiful summer day ,the last thing I want to do is stay inside and work some more. Even if it’s doing something I enjoy like oil painting. I always feel like I’m missing out on something when I paint in the summer.

Convincing myself to work on a painting for several hours in the summer is a tough sell when I could be outside mountain biking , trail running, kayaking, fishing, barbequing or on the beach.

To get back on track I signed up for oil painting classes at the Arts Guild of New Jersey again. Classes start on September 29th and I can’t wait to get back into pushing the paint around. Hopefully I can pick up where I left off.

The early summer work I did at Kean College certainly didn’t hurt as well as the life drawing classes I took this summer, but I didn’t do much oil painting on my own and I’m hoping I didn’t loose a step. Anyway ....we’ll see soon enough. I’ll post my work from class as usual, the good the bad and the ugly !!!

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