Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Just a few things I need to ask myself, while I'm oil painting.

Why am I painting this?

What do I like about it?

What am I trying to say with this painting?

What story am I trying to tell?

What emotions am I trying to stir up?

Am I stepping back often enough to see what the heck I'm doing?

Am I painting the light?

Am I paint all the reflective light?

Am I painting the shadows?

How is the perspective?

Are the values correct?

Is the composition pleasing?

Does the painting read well?

Have I defined a focal point?

Is the color rich enough in the focal point?

Are my contrasts strong at the focal point?

Am I working the contrasts of hard and soft edges?

Am I working the contrasts of hot and cold color?

Am I working the contrasts of thick and thin paint?

Am I working the contrasts of opposite colors?

Am I working the contrasts of darks and lights?

Flip the painting upside down and take a good look at it, is it still balanced?

Look at it in the mirror, does it still look good or is something off?

Is my palette getting too muddy?

Are my brushes over loaded with paint?

Did I take this painting as far as I could today?

Should I stop before you mess it up?

Why the heck am I painting this again?

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