Thursday, February 9, 2012

Getting the White Right by Robert Gamblin

The most important color choice we make is the white we bring to our work.

The white we choose determines to a great degree what our experience of painting will be: how our colors will tint and mix, how they will feel under the brush or knife, and how opaque our paint layers will be.

There are important differences between whites. For example, Titanium White has an opacity and tint strength that influences color like no other. Being the best-known white does not make Titanium White the right choice for every artist. You might prefer a white that's more subtle in mixtures.

When I first started making color in my studio I began by making whites, there were three at the beginning. Over the last 30 years, we've expanded and refined our selection of whites. We now have seven to serve your needs across the spectrum of artistic possibilities.  More

 From left: Titanium White, Radiant White, Titanium Zinc White, Quick Dry White, Flake White Replacement, FastMatte Titanium White, Zinc White.

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