Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Still life in progress

This is a still life that I started in class and continued to work on at home from a reference photo I took .

I wanted to have less negative space in this painting so I adjusted the composition a little by cropping out the flowers from the white & blue vase along with altering its opening from the original.

I have the green vase going off the left side of the canvas to suggest it’s mass, as I didn’t want this to be the perfect still life where everything fits on the canvas perfectly.

I’m experimenting with an additional element in this painting in an attempt to create a feeling of movement. I’m still not sure how far I’m going to go with the white moths but I loosely added them into the scene to see what they would add to the piece. Eventually I’ll add more detail to them and I’m considering having them hover all around the angel figure.

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